The A-B-Cs of the Barbering Business
Our Services
Executive Barber College is one of the fastest growing barber colleges in Mississippi. We offer courses in barbering, barber instructor and crossover barber. Apply now!

Admissions Requirements
The Mississippi Board of Barber Examiners is an independent agency of the state government. Our mission is to protect the health and safety of the public and to protect the public against misrepresentation, deceit and fraud in the practice of barbering by establishing and enforcing standards of licensure. Learn more about the Board of Barber Examiners and the Laws & Rules of our state.

The Barbering Business
For many barbers, opening an independent barbershop is the ultimate goal. This is the time when you can express your creative talent as a completely independent artist and craftsperson. You can set your own prices and potentially earn like the pros, go to international barbering events, give out your own business card, and develop a list of clients who will fly in to see you.
Students learn basic barbering skills as set by the Mississippi Board of Barber Examiners. Students train to become a licensed barber including haircutting, coloring and styling as well as manicuring, facials and shaving. In addition, students learn retail product sales, salon development and practice those skills in a model salon/lab setting.