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Trust God, NOT Man
Has Arrived!

Read the dazzling new novel by Tracey Williams.

An inspirational story of trust,  faith, and perservenance . Illuminating, rich, and tear jerking – you won’t be able to put this down!

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T he last child as a boy and he lived one day. We named him Kevon. Yes, this was my turning point where I was mad at God because I felt like he just kept taking my children to the point I was getting depressed and thought I wanted to die.

I began to start praying like I’ve never prayed before for me to have a child. I know that my mom was also praying for me too. When I got pregnant a fourth time, I have to stop working and be on bed rest for the entire pregnancy. I was hooked on a machine to monitor my contractions and had to take 24 pills a day. I had to take 4 pills every six hours to keep this baby. I felt like giving up a lot of times but if it wasn’t for my mom and sister Kimberly I would have. My mom came over every day to make sure I was alright and prayed by laying her hands on my stomach and talking to the baby. My sister had just moved in with me to take care of me because during this time my husband was on the road driving trucks. So finally, after about 33 weeks my water broke and I had to be rushed to the hospital where I was told several times it’s a girl in sonograms but out came a boy and we named him Shelby.


“The story had to be told because it gripped my every waking thought. Soul and tears were poured into this novel, and I hope it wakes and soothes your heart.”

Get your autographed copy.

If you’d like to have an autographed copy of Tracey’s new book, “Trust God, NOT Man,” Simply pay just $5 more and she I will sign your copy. Get it while you can!

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